Greeting & Profile
Getting older, I decided to summarize my life in virtual space.
Biological sex: Male
Hobbies: Music
After graduating Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School (1985), I choose to enroll College of Education. That was Chiba University where is one of the meccas for Taisho-Jiyu-Kyoiku (大正自由教育), New Education Movement of Taisho era, and I think that spirit remained in the attached school. I was lucky to be trained there.
I participated in IIP(International Internship Programs) from Oct. 1987 to Mar. 1988 in BC, Canada.
As a part-time teacher at the Chiba High School, I taught Earth science area of Rika-I (1991 - Mar.1994).
I quit PhD course at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Mar.1995 and started working as a science educaton lecturer at Ibaraki University in Apr. 1995.
I was promoted to an assistant professor and started lecture for graduates in Oct. 1997. The title was changed to associate professor in Apr. 2007.
I moved to College of Science and Engerreing of Toyo University in Kawagoe, Saitama, as a professor, in charge of teacher training program in Apr. 2016.
Dupty director of Teacher Certification Center (from Aug. 2017- present)
Editor of the Newsletter of the EASE. (Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2011)
Since my cultural background is Buddhism, you will see some unique research topics bridging sciene education and Buddhism in my English top page.
Leberal arts(Ibaraki University)
History of Sciene, Overviewing the history of science, Introduction to Sustainability science (allot)
Specialized subject
[Toyo university 2016 -] General introduction to teaching profession, Curriculum(2017-), Introduction for education, Teacher training in Schools, Practical Seminar for Educational Profession, Teaching Methodology of Period for Integrate Study(2021-), Sciene Education I & II, Methodology of Science Teaching I & II
[Saitma university] Methodology for elementary science(2017-), Methodology for Science Education C(for students of College of Science and engineering, 2017)
[College of Science, Shizuoka university] Methodology of Science Education IV (2002-2019)
[College of Science, Ibaraki University] Methodology of secondary science II, III, IV (2018-2020)
[College of Education, Ibaraki University] Methodology for primary science, Methodology for secondary science, Special seminar for methodology of science education, Seminar of science education
Methodology for Living environmental studies, Seminar for integrated studies
Special lecture of science education (Fukuoka University of Education, Dec 26-28, 1997), Social behavior (College of Humanity, Ibaraki university)
Graduate school(Ibaraki University)
Integrated study in Natural sciences, Designing science teaching, Special lecture for Science education, Seminar for science education, Seminar for Sustainability education
belonging Associations
East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE 東亜科学教育学会) Executive (Oct. 18, 2012 - 2018)
Society of Japan Science Teaching 日本理科教育学会
Japan Society for Science Education 日本科学教育学会
Japan Society of Earth Science Education 日本地学教育学会 (編集委員 2014.7.1-2016.6.30、幹事 -2018, 2020-)
Japanese Society for Environmental Education 日本環境教育学会
Japanese Association for the Education for Living Environment Studies and Integrated Studies 日本生活科総合的学習教育学会
Japanese Associatin of Higher Education Research 日本高等教育学会
Research Encouragement Award (Japan Society for Educational Technology 1995.11.3)
Science Education and Research Encouragement Award (Japan Society for Science Education, 1994.7.27)